We Not Me (Strain Review)

  • Breeder: Scapegoat Genetics
  • Lineage: Animal Cookies x Cherry Pie (Cherry Kush) x Mainline OG
  • Grown by: Core Flower (best guess)
  • THC:18.6%  CBD: .03%

This cannabis flower was purchased from Higher Ground dispensary in Eugene, OR in early-April 2020.

What we know:  Not much. I can only find 2 links that mention this strain, and neither dives into any effects other than “indica”

First Dose: Small dose (.045g smoked in a glass pipe – about one solid hit, held in for 5 seconds)
Things creep up slowly. After about 5 minutes, I’m enjoying a nice full body glow and my eyes are relaxed and everything looks shiny. In the next few minutes things escalate kind of fast and start getting a bit trippy. strong waves are pulsing in my entire body. Whoa. My head feels like it might float away and I can space out easily. I get up and do a couple small tasks, and I feel very warm and relaxed and surprisingly clear-headed and overall pretty functional. At 15 mins my eyes are drooped and I would say a narcotic body buzz is in effect. Oh yeah, I feel pretty damn nice.

At the 20 minute mark, I sit on the couch and have a nice chat and watch TV. I’m very mellow with a strong narcotic body buzz, but there’s a bit of stimulation behind the eyes keeping me awake and alert. I enjoy the comedic TV show thoroughly. I feel lovely. At 50 minutes I’m still feeling nice and warm. I do some internet surfing for a bit, then start getting drowsy around the 90 minute mark. I stay up for another hour or so. This stuff makes you drowsy but it won’t probably won’t knock you out.

Final thoughts: This one is all about relaxation and the warm narcotic glow. I appreciated the mild stimulation as well. Overall it was a really nice balance. Medically, the narcotic effects could help those trying to detox from opiates.

We Not Me hits hard with functional narcotic relaxation, making it a lovely and luxurious way to end your day.


  1. I found this strain in San Fernando Valley Los Angeles Ca at West Valley Patients Group in Woodland Hills. Looks completely different from the picture you posted. It was purple, lime green, orange and white hairs. That’s the most I can remember as far cosmetics go. The taste and high was amazing! Literally 10/10 like all the rest of their strains they have there (45-55 8ths) right up my alley as far as rare and hard to find strains go, which is all I smoke. Wish they could get another batch from them as I cannot remember the high as this was bought in 2019, we are now in 2020. All I have to say is this is a must try if you can actually come across it! Shout out to WVPG AND GREEN ANGEL who carried this strain along with being home of the Real pure kush strains and other amazing buds.. thanks!


    1. Thanks for sharing!

      Unfortunately I could only find this strain in lower-grade buds. I hope I’m lucky enough to find some high-grade nugs at some point to really see what this strain can do. Yup this one is special for sure!


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