• Breeder: Crane City Cannabis
  • Lineage: FAF x Mentz
  • Grown by: Ananda Farms
  • THC: 28.26%  CBD: 0%

This cannabis flower was purchased from Moss Crossing dispensary in Eugene, OR in March 2024

What we know: There’s a few mentions online but not much as to the effects. I believe the dispensary had it labeled as a hybrid.

First Dose: Small dose (.045g smoked in a glass pipe – about one medium hit, held in for 5 seconds)
I take the hit in the afternoon and start doing tasks around the home. I start feeling some mental activation after a few minutes and continue on my tasks. I’m able to get zoned in on stuff. At around 15 mins in, I’m in an interesting space. My brain is churning and I’m also kind of mellow and spacey. If I stop moving around it feels kind of trippy. Definitely an “in-your-head” feeling. I put on some relaxed TV and I’m able to relax and get into it. My brain definitely likes having something to focus on. I end up going on an unexpected vigorous walk, and it feels good to be outside and moving my body.Checking in a bit after the hour, my brain is still stimulated and I can enjoy watching stuff or internetting. As the effects wear off I’m not to tired or scrambled, but I still feel a bit off even hours later.

Second Dose: Micro dose (one medium hit from a one-hitter, held in for 3 seconds)
I took the hit with my morning coffee on a work day. It was a really nice combination, and I enjoyed the uplifted cerebral invigoration which helped me work and focus. I am thinking that microdoses is the way to go with this strain and will probably use it when my brain is feeling a bit sluggish.

Final Thoughts: This one is OK, more of a specific-purpose kind of strain..It stimulates the brain and puts you in your head, while still providing some mellow and trippy energy. It is the opposite of expansive. Your brain definitely wants something to chew on, so it is well-suited for watching some TV, playing games, or even just doing tasks around the home. It works for being seated or up and about. There could be some social energy at lower levels. It’s more for advanced users, as it can be disorienting. I’ll probably save it for TV/movie watching.



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