Swiss Watch (Strain Review)

  • Breeder: Unknown
  • Lineage: Gary Payton and Runtz
  • Grown by: Headrush Hill Farms
  • THC: 24.40%  CBD: 0%

This cannabis flower was purchased from Amazon Organics dispensary in Eugene, OR on September 1, 2022

What we know: Not much. The dispensary had it labeled as a sativa. However the one page I can find that mentions this strain says that it is indica dominant and has heavy sedation. Time to clear up this discrepancy once and for all…


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First Dose: Small dose (.040g smoked in a glass pipe – about one medium hit, held in for 5 seconds)
I take the hit and spend a few minutes in the bathroom looking at my phone. Then I sit at the computer and look at restaurant websites for a bit. Yup, this stuff is making me want to indulge in some recreational eating. Checking in at 20 minutes after dosing, my body is very relaxed and my brain is happy taking in information. I get up and do some clean-up tasks and it goes ok. It definitely feels like more of an evening thing due to the body relaxation. As I sit down and look around I’m getting some trippy vibes around the 30 minute mark. My mind and body sort of connect and I feel like standing up and doing some full-body stretches. I’m able to get into my body nicely. I let out a couple BIG yawns. Oh yeah, now this stuff is making me drowsy. The yawns keep coming fast and furious and I’m ready to transition to watching some TV and passing out…

I’m able to fight through the tiredness and do some more internet stuff. A little after an hour after dosing I’m feeling mellow and relaxed, slightly out of it. I enjoy watching a documentary for a bit before going to bed.

Final Thoughts: I liked this one overall. It’s nothing amazing, but it is good for a little boost before bedtime. You get a little cerebral push & sensation enhancement, along with some heavy physical relaxation. You might feel slightly “out of it”. I didn’t really get any social vibes. It definitely stimulated my appetite. This one is probably best suited for some TV or internetting before bedtime. If you’re already a bit tired, it will probably knock you out.



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  1. I don’t trusts someone’s opinion that only took 1 medium sized hit. I don’t believe that is enough to have any sort of opinion on a strain.


    1. Likewise, I don’t trust any smoker who thinks holding their hit makes them higher. Science has debunked this myth. Holding your hit is the same as holding your breath, you’re not getting higher, but lightheaded from lack of oxygen instead.


      1. By the way, if you’re purchasing these strains at your local dispensary, then they aren’t rare. And exactly how long have you been smoking? You come across as very unaware.


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